Monday, January 4, 2010

Hair Transplant In Karachi Can Hair Transplant Surgery Restore A Full Head Of Hair To Someone Who Is Completely Bald On Top?

Can hair transplant surgery restore a full head of hair to someone who is completely bald on top? - hair transplant in karachi

I wonder if a hair transplant operation, the appearance of a full head of hair can someone who was completely bald at the top to restore. I've heard that are even with a good amount of hair from a donor to the restoration of hair back surgery are still not the full hair and scalp visible.


Eugene said...

I had a friend who has done, and look --- horrible!

Do not!

BattleAg... said...


If you are now wholly or mainly on soon, it will produce more than a process of restoring hair hair again. You can never the thickness of the hair of a 20, but maybe two or three different methods and the use of Propecia get damn close.

I had a Hair Restoration Surgery in July. Since gaining my Bosley hair transplantation have the results on my blog, documenting In addition, see the results of my Bosley procedure that a wealth of information about hair loss and methods available to it's correct.

Blogger BattlAgainstBald dernierné, Torrance, were subjected to only one procedure and is his second in recent months. Torrance is a good example of how you spend watching, and began to completely bald on top.

Good luck in your fight and I want to know if you have any further questions.


Ben said...

Yes it's true. Moreover, there is nothing more than a wig, the fake more than just a job for the transplant looks like. And I heard that the transplanted hair actually falling more than normal hair.
Be sure look fine, and just accept. It's worse than a bald head.

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