Monday, January 18, 2010

Flea Symptoms 9 Yr Old Pom, 4#, Just Started Showing Flea

9 yr old pom, 4#, just started showing flea - flea symptoms

Is because of his age, and so small, I wonder what is the best option for flea control for them. I had noticed one or two months, and only then, you scratch a lot, and I saw a couple in their chips. It has) also fleas cats (in cat and not even know me, to (my son the cat) told me last night. She looks sad, not eating, not drinking much water. Should I a flea shampoo? Can the one I bought for my cat? That would be bad for them? I offered Resolution or revolution cats before and was 15 or 16 U.S. dollars for the animals. And the vet told me I had them once a month for 4 months .... Ensure that the amount of dollars as well. Any suggestion is welcome. t


Divapom said...

I use Advantix in my favor, or POMS. You must also deal with the cat. Do not use the same product in dogs and cats. Getting the product from cat to cat and dog to dog.
Many people like the first line.
DO NOT use in products such as Hartz flea control over them. They are ineffective and can be fatal for your pet.
Do not bathe the dog has before being used in the treatment. Remove oils, the distribution of the product and you are wasting your money. You can swim a week after field application, see instructions.

Since POM is so small that even a few fleas to cause anemia.

Yes, the first line and the advantage is a little expensive, but you end up with more money in the long run, if you try to spend less money. You can take advantage and in front of your veterinarian. I think that carries out the cooperation of domestic animals as well.

You need to treat your home and it seems that you have a problem with fleas.

Dogs usually not human diseases.

Cassie P said...

Give a flea bath or go to a shelter or veterinary clinic animal and get to take a few pills and dispose of them for 1 month. I use the pills in my 3 dogs. Wrap (I turn off the pill in cheese or meat and feed, and because the chip die and fall off then. Then 30 minutes later ... BAM them (or perhaps) is free chip.

Bonnie L said...

The only medications that fleas are working, the medicines, contact your veterinarian. OTC garbage are not working and are a waste of $ $ $. You need a professional exterminator come and spray your entire house and get rid of yard fleas. And no you, dogs do not catch the flu or a cold in humans. If you had been sick for several weeks, why was not treated by your doctor?

Tonya said...

I suggest Frontline .. Expensive but worth it. The vet told me that most dogs skin is very irritating, especially in the fall. Otherwise I would have I'm not sure what I recommend. They are sad because it is uncomfortable. Mine does too, and the needs of your medication.

ac1002 said...

I am more on the front line and works well against fleas, which had about $ 35 for the kit 3 months is not bad for $ 12 per month for the welfare and happiness of your dog .... Take your dog to the vet to get check

♥Chigirl said...

Do not use any medicine to cat fleas.

Frontline Plus up to 22 # is good.
You can by your veterinarian.

If you are ill, you should take to the PS.
It is unlikely that you've caught something.

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